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Affiliations & Certifications

Although all these Modules are enriched with basic to advanced features to entertain a wide range of users, uniquely, all these modules are kept customizable as per user’s needs and requirements to make users fully satisfied and making SAFASHA SOLUTION is one window system.

Federal Board of Revenue

Safasha Business Solutions (SBS) has developed an in-house point of sales (POS) integrated with ERP solution. SBS has successfully completed its integration with FBR System using Sales Data Controller (SDC Component). Now, we are in process of getting our POS certified from FBR.

Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB)

Safasha Business Solutions (SBS) is exporting IT services worldwide as well as to local industry. Now, it has been registered with Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB), an apex Government body mandated to promote Pakistan’s IT Industry in local and international markets. SBS is pursuing for other ISO certifications also from PSEB.

Fin Expertiza

Safasha Business Solutions is a member of FinExpertiza, the first Russian network. It is an association that unites the largest international audit networks of professional audit, valuation and consulting firms. Firms in the network are independent legal entities and included into the network to combine their efforts for providing high quality services to customers. The core focus of this association is to ensure consistency of application of high-quality audit practices and standards worldwide and support convergence of national audit standards with the International Standards on Auditing (ISAs).